Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Mask Making

In Art we have been making masks. Here are a few excellent examples of Stage 3's amazing art skills.

We have been enjoying our reading.

We are reading in class, Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder.
The class sits down to another amazing chapter.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Welcome Back for 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome back to Term 1 2012 and to Stage 3. This year our classes are made up of year 5 and 6 students. Your classroom teachers for this year are Mr Latimore and Mrs Pietsch. Other teachers of stage 3 will be Mrs Smith (Art and Reading), Mrs Salm (Library), Mrs Blatch (Music) and Mrs Willis (Learning Support and Reading).
This year stage 3 will operate in an open learning classroom plan. Students will have an allocated home teacher for the purpose of roll marking, organisation and reporting, however will move between classrooms and work with both teachers throughout each day. Students will continue to work in an allocated reading group each morning. Following reading, Stage 3 students will go to maths groups. The remainder of the key learning areas will be taught by both teachers. This open plan learning will be further outlined during our ‘Meet the Teacher Evening’ in week 3.
We would like you to feel comfortable approaching either of us to discuss any class issues whether it may be related to school work, classroom or playground. We are available most mornings before school from 8:30am or afterschool at 3pm (except on Tuesday). Please make sure that we are your first port of call if you have any questions or concerns.
Each week your child will have homework. It is a valuable part of our class learning and consolidation. Homework will include:                                                                                      

  •  Maths
  •  Spelling
  •  Reading/writing text type
In Stage 3 students should be doing around 30-45minutes each night of homework. Homework will be organised in class each Monday and is due back by Friday. Please encourage your child to complete their homework each week. If homework cannot be completed please write a note in the student diary explaining why.
Student Belongings
Please make sure that your child has a pencil case with the following items: labelled glue stick, blue and red pens only, lead pencils, coloured pencils, sharpener, eraser and textas. They will also need a library bag. Each student is also being asked to provide 1 box of tissues for our classroom. These are well appreciated.
Stage 3 Excursion
This year our major excursion is to Bathurst goldfields in term 3. There will also be smaller trips and conferences as well as the boys camp in term 4 and the girl’s ‘Shine’ program.
School Uniform
Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform each day. Hats must be worn in the playground and we uphold a “No Hat No Play” policy. Please ensure that coloured hair bands, nail polish and jewellery are not worn.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to an exciting year and will further outline our expectations and programs on Tuesday 21st February at ‘Meet the Teacher’.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Di Pietsch and Mr David Latimore                           

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Canberra Excursion

26.10.2011 – 28.10.2011

Day 1:                        6.00am - Depart School – Dress in summer uniform
                                   1.00pm - National Capital Exhibition  
                                   2.30pm - Australian War Memorial – ANZAC Legacy
                                   5.45pm - Dinner   
                                   7.00pm - Questacon – Casual dress out of uniform.

Day 2:                         7.45am - Breakfast
                                    9.00am - Parliament House visit – Sports Uniform
                                    9.00am - House of Representatives
9.30am - Senate
10.00am - PEO
11.00am - Hospitality
                                    12.00pm - Government House (Hospitality)
                                    1.00pm - Lunch
2.30pm - Australian Institute of Sport
                                    6.30pm - Dinner and City Highlights Tour
                                    8.30pm - AIS - Swimming Pool at Night

 Day 3:                        7.45am - Breakfast
                                    Group 1 - 9.00am - Australian Electoral Commission -
                                    Group 2 – 9.30am - Australian Electoral Commission
                                    11.30am-1.00pm - CSIRO Discovery
1.00pm - Lunch
7.30pm - Approx arrival time at school

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Virtual Museums and Celebration Day

Well done, Stage 3 on a super day and thank you for the great work you have put in over the last 10 weeks on your virtual museums. You have gone beyond what Mr V and Mr Latimore expected. Enjoy some memories of the last day of school for Term 3.

Stage 3- 2011

Australian Astronaut - Andy Thomas

NRL - Supporters

Football Superstar - Harry Kewell

The Kelly Gang

Albus Dumbledore ...Whoops! Sir Isaac Isaacs

Mary McKillop, Cathy Freeman, Steve Irwin

Fighting for Equal Rights.

All Style. Susana and Gillian

Year 6 girls did a great job.

Matthew you're such a joker.

Well done Mr Cricket.

Enjoying the day!

I've got my eye on this crew!

Mark Richards meets Cardel

Dick Smith

Who is that strange man?